Emmaus Retreat

Are you a parent who has lost a child and would appreciate support? 

Whether it happens through miscarriage, stillbirth, or later in life, the death of a child is a deep and tragic loss for parents – and for their hopes and dreams for the future. No matter what the age, cause of death, or how much time has passed, the grief over the loss of a child weighs heavily on the hearts of parents. 

On Saturday, March 29, 2025, a one-day Emmaus Retreat for Grieving Parents will be offered at Holy Spirit Parish in Saginaw. There is no cost to attend (a free will offering will is optional to help cover catering and the cost of materials). 

The day begins at 9:30 a.m. and ends by 7:00 p.m.. 

During this spiritual retreat, everyone is free to participate at their comfort level. For information or to register, call Deacon Gary Patelski at 989.295.5849 or Arlene Patelski at 989.295.9908 or email us at gapatelski@aol.com

The deadline for registration is March 24, 2025