Lay Ecclesial Ministry Assembly 2024


This event is for Lay Ecclesial Ministers and Candidates. Keynote speaker, Julianne Stanz, is a nationally known speaker, retreat leader, storyteller, and the Director of Outreach for Evangelization and Discipleship for Loyola Press and a consultant to the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops. Other presenters include: Fr. Stephen Blaxton, Fr. Matthew Gembrowski, Fr. Marc Hopps, Fr. Adam Maher, Fr. Bill Rutkowski, Deacon Mike Houghton, Don Buchalski, Kellie Deming, Nick Jorgensen, Taylor Piotrzkowski, Keri Tarrant, and Dani Tenbusch. Breakout topics will cover: How to Know and Share Your Faith Story, Sharing the Gospel Message, Spiritual Self-Care, Evangelizing Those We Live With, Work With, and Play With, and more! The deadline to register is October 25. Please view the flyer for more information, including the schedule for the weekend and hotel information.