OCIA Training


All are invited to a presentation on the new OCIA. This event will be especially helpful for new and nearly new coordinators and catechists who received little training in the RCIA and as a refresher for anyone with training and experience. The morning session will focus on the catechumenal model of initiation while the afternoon session will focus on what is new in the OCIA and the new National Statutes for Christian Initiation of Adults. Our keynote speaker will be Dr. William Keimig. (Please see biography below.) There will be opportunities to ask questions throughout the day. Lunch is provided. The deadline to register is October 18. Please contact Peg McEvoy, Coordinator of Faith and Catechist Formation /OCIA at pmcevoy@diosag.org or 989.797.6608 if you have any questions about the event. Please contact Amy Dore at adore@diosag.org or 989.797.6654 with any questions about the registration process.

Dr. Bill Keimig is the Deputy Director of the Catechetical Institute (CI) at Franciscan University of Steubenville, Ohio. For 15 years, he served as the Director of Religious Education at St. Mary’s of Piscataway Catholic Church in Clinton, Maryland. Along with this work, Dr. Keimig served as a master catechist in the Hearts Aflame and Faith Foundations catechist formation programs for the Archdiocese of Washington, DC. He served for nine years as the Director of the Association for Catechumenal Ministry (ACM), which assists dioceses in training clergy and laity to do OCIA ministry and was the managing editor of ACM’s series of OCIA texts currently used in thousands of U.S. parishes and in many other countries. Dr. Keimig holds a Doctorate in Ministry from the Catholic University of America, and a master's degree in theology and Christian Ministry with a Certification in Catechetics from Franciscan University. He also holds a master's degree in public management from the University of Maryland, in environmental policy.