Parish Office Hours

Monday and Thursday:  8:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
Tuesday and Wednesday:  8:00 to 11:30 a.m.

Parish Leadership

Rev. Robert J. Kelm  |  Pastor 

Marge Gerding   |   Secretary & Bulletin Editor

Debra Bitterman   |   Bookkeeper

Kristeen Gross   |   Faith Formation

Raquel Gomez  |   Youth Ministry

Anna Holmes    |   Music Ministry

James Hession   |   Pastoral Council Chair

Kathy Wasmiller    |   Finance Council Chair

Parish Weekend Mass Times

Mary of the Immaculate Conception Church
Sunday at 11:00 a.m.

Parish Weekday Mass Times

Please see bulletin for location and time.

Other contacts and information

Mary of the Immaculate Conception Parish includes Mary of the Immaculate Conception Church in Saint Charles and St. Mary Church in Albee.